July 16, 2024

Allot's Cloud Transition: A Client Success Story

Introducing Allot, a cutting-edge software company specializing in network analytics, traffic shaping, and cybersecurity as a service. When Allot made the strategic decision to pivot toward recurring revenues and embrace cloud-based services, they faced a pivotal challenge.

Allot sought the ideal cloud vendor to facilitate the deployment of their software and a migration partner with the expertise to seamlessly transition their software to the native cloud environment. That's when Commit entered the picture.

Commit played a pivotal role in guiding Allot through this transformative journey. With a wealth of professionalism and expertise, Commit helped Allot create a robust blueprint for their software, leveraging best practices in the field. Together, they paved the way for Allot's successful transition to cloud-based services.

This success story underscores Commit's commitment to empowering businesses like Allot to thrive in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

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