
Data & Analytics

Your Data Our Experts

Leveraging data enables more than a competitive edge - for most businesses it will be the difference between success and failure. Our data experts, leaders in their field, will have you make the best out of your data. From data platforming and ETLs through data migration and business intelligence to machine learning and artificial intelligence – we are the ideal partners for your data challenges. Whether on premises, in the cloud or a hybrid environment, we have the solution for you!

Your Data
Our Experts

Leveraging data enables more than a competitive edge - for most businesses it will be the difference between success and failure.Our data experts, leaders in their field, will have you make the best out of your data. From data platform through business intelligence to machine learning and artificial intelligence – we are the ideal partners for your data challenges. Whether On Premises, in the cloud or a hybrid environment, we have the solution for you!

Our ADDed Value

all-inclusive, any platform solutions

Improving the Way You Gather Your Data

Organizations collect data from a variety of types and a variety of sources. Whether from IoT devices, real-time stock exchange information or consumer behavior from ad-clicks, Commit’s Data & Analytics engineers will map out the various sources of information, both in terms of technologies and of the rate of input and create a solution that integrates them all within your systems.

Upgraded Processing and Analysis

The range of analytics available in the market is constantly on the rise. Your business need may include materials availability analysis, constant map condition updates or presentation of stock fluctuations. Commit’s Data Experts will create a 100% tailored data pipeline, from ingest to analysis, all servicing your business logic, to provide you with a distinct data advantage.

Data Wherever You Need It

When it comes to storage, the key question is no longer ‘how do I push everything into one database?’, but rather ‘What information needs to be stored at what stage for what purpose, and how will it be accessed?’ Commit Data Architectures primarily take into account how you use your data. Whether an inexpensive backup archive service, a tight storage space for multiple and complex querying or a monitoring service, whether saving classic data formats, object data or even geospatial and chart data, we will find the perfectly tailored storage to fit your needs.

Data Migration

Whether replacing legacy systems, looking to save money, or simply to establish one source of truth for all applications and informations, businesses are moving their data to the cloud. Our experts will ensure your data is migrated completely, cohesively, with minimal or no downtime to your services.


Presenting the Data

Information consumers – from end clients to top decision makers – need to be able to consume the information quickly and easily. Commit will make sure your visualization platform will be rapidly responsive, reliable and accessible 24-7, and will incorporate the most complex of ML and AI evaluations, so end users do not have to manipulate the data presented further.

Our team

Data diversity, data explosion, data is everything. Data has become the most important resource across many industries. With over 70 data experts covering your every data need – Big Data, Database Administration or Business Intelligence, whether on-premises, in the cloud or a hybrid environment, we will cater to your data needs, while you stay focused on your business
Learn more of Commit’s extensive expertise, knowledge and experience in Data and Analytics solutions on AWS.
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