July 16, 2024

Seamless Cloud Transition: Exberry's Journey to GCP with Commit's Expertise

About Exberry

Exberry is an independent technology vendor specializing in cutting-edge trading technologies for exchanges. We offer a comprehensive suite of solutions and services to power robust andefficient exchange infrastructures. With a focus on innovation and reliability, we are reshaping the landscape of capital market infrastructures.

Vertical/horizontal solution: Financial Services

Primary project location: Israel

Commit provided expert guidance to Exberry, facilitating the seamless replication of their AWS environment onto GCP. By conducting hands-on Terraform (IaC) development and consultancy sessions around the GCP ecosystem.

The challenge

Exberry faced a multi-faceted challenge, including AWS to GCP infrastructure mapping, receiving comprehensive GCP consultancy, crafting specialized GCP Terraform code, and building a strong GCP foundation. The focus was on achieving a smooth and successful migration to GCP's advanced landscape.

The solution

Our comprehensive solution began with in-depth consultancy sessions, enabling Exberry to understand GCP's ecosystem. We expertly mapped AWS resources to GCP equivalents and developed specialized Terraform code. The solid GCP foundation laid the groundwork for a successful and timely migration.

The result

The partnership delivered impressive results within a tight timeframe. Exberry seamlessly transitioned to GCP. Our expert guidance and specialized Terraform code empowered them to embrace new opportunities. The strong GCP foundation set the stage for efficient operations and future scalability.

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