July 16, 2024

Seamless AWS Marketplace Integration: Commit's Exceptional Support for Ox Security

Meet Ox Security, a dynamic Israeli startup that entered the scene just two years ago. Ox Security specializes in orchestrating, prioritizing, and remediating software supply chains within application security. Their holistic platform promises end-to-end visibility, providing organizations with invaluable insights.

When Ox Security faced the exciting prospect of transacting through the AWS Marketplace, they turned to Commit, known for its exceptional expertise in AWS solutions. Commit wasted no time in onboarding Ox Security's solutions to the AWS Marketplace, ensuring a quick and high-quality integration. In just 5 days, Commit managed to tackle a significant challenge, allowing Ox Security to close two crucial deals seamlessly.

This partnership showcases Commit's dedication to empowering startups like Ox Security with the tools and support they need to thrive in the digital landscape.

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